Monday, November 15, 2004


In my opinion, the arrest of the seer wasnt a glaring mistake. But, the nature of arrest was indeed ridiculous. As Sudeep was pointed out, when there are exceptions already done for Uma Bharati and the Don, why not to the seer.

The plausible reasons could be.
The 'charge' against the guilty. The seer is accused of a MURDER, Uma Bharati - attempt to murder and the DOn - Well the list can be endless. I lack the legal expertise to judge the gravity of these crimes. For me all of these brace the same category.

The 'clout' the accused carries. - All the 3 mentioned by Sudeep are highly influential people and have their roots deep in the political world. The seer has a high political voltage atleast in the NDA circles. So, is this like the congress is playing very neutral to all the Criminal charges, or a little more nonchalant in this one. Do the UPF want to give a message to the minority communities that they are indeed impartial ??

Looking at the profile of the seer, the MATH he heads, the respect the seer and the MATH commands, the patronage they have, there should have been some respect shown to the seer. There should have been an 'house arrest'. The reason behind the direct jailing procedure, invloving a person of such elite and noble status, does open up a lot of questions.

Sudeep is flabbergasted and I am skeptical aobut the whole drama.

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