Friday, November 30, 2007

After one really hectic week I am back on a saturday blogging about things happened/happening. First things first. I thiunk Richie will be in India this week. With four of us here, it would be a nice December season. Nothing much happening in life. Mysore Tata, I love you and I am grateful to you.

I am expecting major team changes in the beginning of the first quarter in 2008. Let's see how this whole thing goes. Keeping my fingers crossed! Work had quite a bit of a lull this week and me committing a stupid compile break because of a CFLAG. This whole compile-break issue has been bloated and blown out of proportion. Hmm. It is strange that each manager or client has his own philosophy. Some people prefer Timeliness over quality in Software, and some people prefer quality over timeliness. I am good at delivereing first and keeping on adding patches , but I have to get used to the people who want things picture perfect at first shot.Change is constant in life and we have to learn to move on.

Caught up with Om Shanthi Om. Didn't like it so much, because I was aware of almost all the gags. Ruchira has started driving the car around everywhere in the first and second gear. Thats about from me now .... signing off with work increasing exponentially (for sure) the next week ....


sudeep said...

oh yes ... VGU leads....OTO is leading a new R&D team for a new technology which is also co-writing the 3GPP specs...lots of changes here !

test123 said...

Driving in 1st and 2nd geara :). Swalpa padmanabhanagar kaDe voDaskonDi banro free aadaga.

Milan said...

Hmmm...that new technology in all probability is WiMax...or some 4G variant of it (LTE?). Nortel has thrown in the towel as far as UMTS/HSPA is concerned. They are going 4G all the way.

Its only a matter of time before they sell off their 2G/2.5G operations as well. Operators will not go to vendors for 2.5G solutions if they cant upgrade to 3G. I'd say the writing is well on the wall for that too.

sudeep said...

Actually it is an improvement over EDGE....Yes, they have thrown the towel on 3G HSUPA and stuff....