Sunday, May 08, 2005

kalla - police

Bangalore, has been rated as one of the cities with a high rate of crime activity.Suddenly this has come to the notice of our slothy CM Dharam Singh. It seems he blasted all the honcho police officers in a meeting. As a result of this , law and oredr police who were rarely seen anywhere till a month ago (except collecting Rs.5/- per day from all the footpath shop owners), are suddenly everywhere.

Sharp at 7:30 they bring yellow meshy mobile obstructions and place it on the roads.
Yes, people almost all the main roads.They have begun to track ONLY 2 wheelers at all the "key points".They also ask drunken people to blow baloons.

Wow....Wonderful stuff....

And surprise!
They smoked out two criminals in a period of four days.

Goli maar bhejen meein....bang!

But they also ask for emission test certifcate and Insurance , which is a de facto gotcha for unsuspecting two wheeler riders and pocket 50/- from every 2 wheeler vehicle owner.Ofcourse 85% of the traffic police are swallowed by the ever increasing jams in Bangalore.The wireless set communication doesnt help either.

Be careful ...
I have to get all my old documents.....Otherwise I will be framed.

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