Stuff from Infy BB. :)
“Faith without fanaticism; Love without possessing” - cannot exist in the material world. Further, if you defined true faith as directly proportional to one’s ability to forgive; and the ability to forgive is inversely proportional to fanaticism, then true faith can never exist because it calls for man to be perfect. And given that man’s basic instincts dwell in greed, jealousy, hate etc., the only faith he can naturally exercise would be material in nature. Material faith is inevitably followed by fanaticism. So when fanaticism increases, forgiveness decreases. Going forward with this hypothesis, it implies that material faith is directly proportional to hate. (this implies that the Material ‘God is Hate” which should not be confused with the version ‘God is Love’ which is representative of True Faith).
Again in the material world, we see that material love almost always possesses. There is a sense of ownership associated with material love. In my mind, I feel this sense of ownership associated with ‘society’s’ version of so-called “true love” (essentially ‘material’ love) is a function of subliminal programming that has occurred through the ages. For example, let’s take a husband-wife relationship or a parent-child relationship. These relationships are primarily dictated, directed and governed by social rules. Consequently, we see that love almost always imposes itself in the guise of “I know what’s best for you; I’m doing this for you etc.” Love as it exists in the world today is hardly ever giving in nature; it takes more than it gives. How many of you have actually seen love that is eternally giving in nature?
We have thus far proved that “True love” is inversely proportional to possessing; and “Material love” (which is what exists in the world today) is directly proportional to possessing.
To summarize - If forgiveness is defined as directly proportional to “true love” and inversely proportional to fanaticism which is directly proportional to material faith; It implies that Material Faith and True Love cannot exist simultaneously in harmony. It also implies that material faith is directly proportional to possessing. Does this mean we are all resigned to live a life hating one another? This could possibly be true because that is what we see in the world today – Hate thriving at an exponential rate. Additionally, since material faith is directly proportional to possessing, we see wars being fought under the guise of faith. Evidence to this fact are the Christian and Muslim crusades of the middle ages. In the modern world, of course, the spin doctors have disguised it to pass off as ‘a war against evil doers; a war against terrorism, terrorist’s holy wars, Islamic jehad etc’. However, this is nothing but a manifestation of material faith being directly proportional to possessing, albeit in various disguises.
Material Faith α Fanaticism 1/α Forgiveness;
Material Faith ≠ True Faith (Premise: Man’s basic nature leads him down the path of material faith. So he is not naturally capable of pursuing “True Faith”. Hence True Faith can never exist in nature!!)
But we said True Faith α Forgiveness. Therefore, we see that Material Faith can never be equal to or directly proportional to Forgiveness.
But Forgiveness α True Love 1/α Possessing
And Forgiveness 1/α Material Love α Possessing
This implies Material Faith ≠ True Love
Instead Material Faith α Material Love α Possessing
Contained in the proof above is wisdom that points to why nations like to wage war; terrorism; origin of pre-nuptial agreements; increase in divorce rates etc. The list is endless.
so, today the intake was intravenour huh
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