Saturday, November 22, 2008


I had the opportunity to watch this wonderful movie. I am blown away by the movie...Great movie! Wonderful!!!

What delightful acting! This is one of those rare gems. The movie has a strong message and the narrating voice, mannerisms and the voice of the middle class is simply GREAT!

The movie is about the search of a new swamiji for a mata which is run for the cause of blind children. The old swamiji just gets out of his robes and tucks in his shirt and says goodbye to the mata.

I really loved watching the movie and I am seeing it again. It is rich both philosophically and great acting by everyone....

Kudos to the director. Worth buying the DVD.


test123 said...

MaTa super agi ide, nija :). Teju mane alli noDiddu first time. Sakkat chamakhs ide :).

laksnj said...

I like some of the songs from Mata..chennagide..Did Psycho release in B'lore? Wanted to see that one..Miss madikonde..

sudeep said...

Psycho ´Tis good....But there are some defects in Psycho but it is worth a watch.