Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A very strategic acquisition.

Google buys Youtube.
A very good step. Google doing things really right.


Tejaswi said...

Good strategic decision? Why ever? If you think so, please explain your standpoint.

Here is the counter opinion:


sudeep said...

Well I think that it is a strategic decision , because Google Videos bombed even-though Video search is a good idea, but it didnt pick off.

As you have said that The mission statement of Google to restricting to "information retrieval" may not be in complete compliance with this buy-off, but this buy-off is a proof to a share-holder and investor that,by purchasing a leading website, your share value will increase....You are not changing most of the policies, the brand, etc. So risks looked ironed out.

This is just my take ...and thats why I thought it was a strategic decision.