Monday, June 05, 2006

Disovery - the 3rd and the best way for washboard abs

Get sick :) Am not crazy. This is self-tested method
Anything of the following would do:- Fever (preferably viral),
thypoid, jaundice, chicken pox, herpis, measles.
There is no better way. 4 days and I have lost around 4 kgs.
Mann, this I think is the secret.

After my MBA i will start a
weight loss clinic. There will be 4 solutions
Serum A - induces fever - 5 days and 5 kgs - prescribed yearly twice
serum B - induces typhoid - 15 days and arnd 8-10 kgs - not repatable for next 10 years
(based on history give SERUM A)
Serum C - jaundice - 1 month and 10-12 kgs - not repatable for next 10 years
(based on history give SERUM A)
serum D - CHicken pox - 1 month and 10-15 kgs - not repatable for next 10 years
(based on history give SERUM A)

maximum weight loss is based on individual ability.

All the serums will be carefully manipulated and given. Also the customer
will be instructed to have all kinds of chats, road side junkies, high profile
junks(oily and fatty stuff- high intake of this for Serum C),
veg, non-veg, mixed veg blah blah on the pretext that he will
be missing all those once the weight loss course begins.

But, the real intention is to avoid the docotor to trace out the Serum.
You c need to protect intellectual property. ;-).

Next day mrng send ur physical instructor to the customer's home in sexy outfits.
He will complete the formality of admitting them to the hospital. (sexy outfits are to misguide the doctor)
After the prescribed duration the results are achieved automatically.


test123 said...

yaako recent aage 'maneli ilee, beedeli huli' noDidange ide.

Enigma said...

tht was so funny