Sunday, March 13, 2005


that you have a camera (a motion picture camera) with you.

Now you go filming a room (say your bedroom). You have filmed all the four walls and the ceiling of the bedroom and the floor.

Now you have a film of ur bedroom.

A software can take this film sequence as an input and give a 3-D model as an output.

What is the use of this software ?

An exact 3D model of a crime scence can be produced in the courtroom.The judges and magistrates can be given 4 arrow keys to navigate thru' the crimescene sitting at the courtroom.They will become like tombraider players.

Check out the film sequence and the model produced by this software.

Hi_Fi Technology creates an un-necessary need and eventually ends up making you a slave.Soon judges everywhere want 3D models of courtroom scenes.Lawyers need an extra dimension to prove their lies.

BUT I have to say that the software is Amazing.
I salute to these creative bastards.

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