Tuesday, April 04, 2006


My car was hit by a speeding car from behind yesterady. This incident left a dent on the bumper and made the bumper little out of its original place.
It happened on the BTM main road, near the building named "Seattle". It was a normal slow drive, with every one travelling at 30kmph and me having eyes wide open not to bang into someone. But, the other driver wasnt that careful. Bleady hell, he overestimated himself, his car, his brakes, his abilities .. blah blah blah..

I was furious, but I did not shout at him. I stopped the car, had a look at the dent (which wasnt major), gave him a loook and asked him to be careful and left the place without creating any ruckus. There were a few reasons to do so.

1. If I had continued for a few minutes more solving the issue, the whole road would have been jammed and there would be hazaaar people who would have cursed me ( I wouldnt handle so much curse u c ;-) )
2. I once banged a bike enroute office. The contact was at a perpendicualr angle with the mistake being entirely mine. All the bike guy said was "Dont worry dude, it happens". This left a lot of guilt within me, and from then I have been a careful driver.
3. A similar incident happened during the recent Kudremukh trip. My friend was overtaking a bus under a blind curve. A biker from the opposite direction travelling a 70kmph controlled his biked and managed to save himself without hitting the bus or the car. ( Rossi would have been proud of the control the guy displayed). All he managed was a cold stare which induced a lot of guilt in us.

Now it was my time to do the returns, and I returned without much tantrums. Hope the guy has learnt his mistake and wont repeat it.



sarvagnaani said...

maga..i know it hurts to see YOUR car/bike getting hit..more so if it is the first scratch/dent..you did a good thing though..no point arguing abt something that has already happened..

sudeep said...

Man....Swalpa Hushaaraagi drive maadi