Thursday, April 06, 2006

Mandalism ..

More reservations. And this time it will affect all the premier institues - IIM, IITs JNU and the likes. Vote bank politics ???

With passage of time, one thinks reservations has to reduce. But, in our country the reversal has happened and now its getting frenzier. The MHRD is proposing a 27% quota for the OBCs in the above mentioned institutions ( I have no clue as to why the med institutions like AIIMS, JIPMER,PGI have been left out. fishy ;-) )

The reservation bill will not be implemented till the assembly elections are over. HMMM interesting. Should people vote for teh UPA govt or not ? - will it be a double edged sword.

Why are people still behind reservations for post-graduation studies. Why doesnt the govt look for improving the quality of primary education? try to alleviate the standard of life of the OBCs, minorities etc. How will reservations solve the problem ??

The creamy layer in these category will again make use of the reservation quota. Sons of IAS officers will be IAS officers. We will have IAS families, engineering families , a medico families etc etc from these sections, but these will represent just 1% of the whole targetted audience.

The acadamecians are already fuming about the proposal. The politicians have taken care not to heat up more, the already blazing summer by postponing the implementation of the reservation bill after the assembly elections. Will the monsoon by dry this year ?? Only time will tell.

Btw, anyway this policy can be stopped ? Can Supreme court do something about it ?
Will SMSes work time similar to the Jessica Lal case. ???


Srini said...

although one can argue that if opportunities are not given for them to enter areas hitherto out of bounds for them, how will they improve?

govt must make sure that merit rules above everything else.

you cant add a weight to a person's performance and normalize against others. eg: 55% of community X gets a 1.5 multiplier and 95% of community Y gets a 0.75 multiplier.thats not fair.

see wht problems ppl of the targeted communities face in having access to education/employment.

solve those problems. like nrn spoke about training for comptetive xams rather than quotas for seats.

Abhishek said...

really dont know about the smses, but there is a petition which you can sign !

sudeep said...

The only thing we can say is :-

As you have put it correctly, there is no reservation required for the post-graduate studies....
